The Golf MasterMind®

The Golf MasterMind book will help you unlock your potential and lower your golf scores. Based on the five levels of the Peak Performance Pyramid, you will learn to:

  1. Channel your MOTIVATION to improve.
  2. Quantify your current skills and ABILITY.
  3. Synchronize your playing STRATEGY to your ability.
  4. Switch your FOCUS on and manage your emotions.
  5. Develop CONFIDENCE in your game under pressure

Complete with skills evaluations, assessment worksheets, the Golf MasterMind Traits, and suggested fun practice games, this book has everything you need to take your game to the highest level of peak performance.

The Golf MasterMind book is available on

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The Golf MasterMind Workbook

The Golf MasterMind Workbook complements the book and contains full-sized worksheets, evaluation forms, and the Golf MasterMind Traits in a survey format.

If you are a golf instructor, the Golf MasterMind Workbook can be used for each of your students as a way for them to measure their performance and track their improvement over time.

If you are an individual golfer, you can use the Golf MasterMind Workbook to help you see your improvement as you work through the levels of the Peak Performance Pyramid.

The Golf MasterMind Workbook is available on

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Golf MasterMind App

The Golf MasterMind app is a handy tool for your iOS or Android device that implements all of the worksheets, evaluation forms, and surveys described in the Golf MasterMind book.

The app is now in development, and will be available in 2017.

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Since 1993

Mind the Gap!


I smile when I think of "mind the gap," because I first saw this warning when riding the tube (subway system) in London. That gap is the space between the platform and the train, and they would prefer that you not step into it!

The gap I am referring to is the gap between what is and what could be, with regard to your golf scores. We all have the potential to shoot a certain score, but we almost always leave the course thinking of all of the strokes we left "out there."

We all would like to play better golf, but how can we do it? One way is to spend more time hitting balls, chipping, pitching, putting, and taking lessons to improve our swing mechanics. These things can improve your ball-striking and ball control ability, and they definitely can lower your scores. For sure, you can improve your potential score. But it takes a lot of time, and there is no guarantee that your improved swing will make the transition to the course.

Another way is to make better use of the skills and abilities that you already have, through mental toughness, strategy, focus, and confidence.

The Golf MasterMind system combines both of these approaches to help you be the best that you can be, and reduce the gap between your score and your potential.

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